Our Mission

Flow is the mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity.
Flow Kimonos started on a cold Boston evening (ca. 2012). The mats were slick with the fresh sweat from our night’s training. Our teammate came over and asked if anyone wanted to get in one last roll to which another replied “Sure, I’ll flow,” As we watched these two roll, we noticed the beauty in the techniques and with what little effort they were applied. For every action there was a logical reaction and form followed function. Just like that it was decided to create a company dedicated to the beauty of Brazillian Jiu Jitsu.
We all started to train for different reasons. Some for martial arts experience, others to lose weight, and still others to complement their mixed martial arts training. However, what brings us back to the mats day in and day out is the beauty we see in the technique and the fun we have training and competing. Beauty + Fun = Flow
Flow Kimonos is a family and as such we hold these values:
Our hemp kimonos are sustainable hemp and grown pesticide-free. We’d like to do our best to leave this planet close to how we found it.
Minimalist Design
We don’t want to “cramp your style” so we use understated designs that allow you to customize your kimono to match your style and represent YOU. Jiu Jitsu is all about developing a personal style. No two player’s games are exactly alike. Here at Flow Kimonos we like to embrace that individuality.
We offer nine different sizes. No matter what your body type you’ll be able to find a kimono that fits like it should, not like how we tell you it should.
Our kimonos are light and strong, as we used the highest quality materials. As much as we love to flow, we also love a good tournament; so we design our gis to endure the rigors of competition. Tapered sleeves and thick collars help to keep grips off. Light and strong materials minimize stretching, help you make weight and stay cool.
Community Service
We pride ourselves on supporting athletes and contributing to the BJJ community. We love that the Brazillian Jiu Jitsu community is so strong and want to do our part in growing the community.
Customer Service
Our goal is to serve our jiu-jitsu brothers and sisters to the best of our ability. If you have any questions about our products drop us a line!